Westover Pony Club
Loyalty, Character, Sportsmanship


1. When leading a nervous pony, always coil the rope around your hand.
A. True
B. False

2. Horses should never "accept the bit."
A. True
B. False

3. In a collected canter, horses cover less ground.
A. True
B. False

4. A cavaletti is a type of jump.
A. True
B. False

5. A rider should always have stiff ankles.
A. True
B. False

6. A bounce is two fences with no stride between them.
A. True
B. False

7. Your voice is an artificial aid.
A. True
B. False

8. The rein back has 4 beats.
A. True
B. False

9. Legs, hands, seat and voice are all "natural aids" in communicating with your pony.
A. True
B. False

10. Schooling over trotting poles helps to teach the horse to pick up his feet.
A. True
B. False

11. When warming up your pony, you should walk for 15 minutes.
A. True.
B. False.

12. You should always look ahead to where you want to go while riding.
A. True
B. False

13. The 'left diagonal' is :
A. the right front and left hind legs moving together
B. a change in direction from F to H
C. the left front and right hind legs moving together

14. Your stirrup length for jumping is usually:
A. the same as your regular length
B. 1 hole shorter than regular length
C. 1 hole longer that regular length
D. 2 holes shorter than regular length

15. To give your pony 'release' means to:
A. to allow him to run free in the paddock
B. give him a long rein
C. allow him more rein to stretch his head while jumping

16. The gallop is a:
A. 2 beat gait
B. 4 beat gait
C. 3 beat gait
D. 1 beat gait

17. At the working trot, the horse's legs move:
A. in alternate pairs
B. in 3 beat rhythm
C. 3 beat gait
D. 1 beat gait

18. A transition refers to a:
A. a change in direction
B. combination of jumps set closely together
C. change of speed or pace
D. type of figure 8 pattern in a dressage test

19. A ground line is:
A. the starting line of a race
B. a pole or part of a jump that lies at the bottom of the jump
C. another name for a trotting pole
D. lines that mark the edges of the dressage ring

20. When riding in an enclosed ring, it is best to pass another pony:
A. between the pony and the rail
B. circling back to an open space
C. by turning and riding to a space across the ring
D. both b and c

21. How do you adjust your stirrup while mounted?
A. take foot out of stirrup
B. foot in stirrup, placed forward
C. foot in stirrup in riding position
D. foot in stirrup placed behind

22. What is the third step when a pony jumps?
A. flight
B. recovery
C. take off
D. landing

23. What is the average speed of a canter?
A. 2 miles per hour
B. 4 miles per hour
C. 6 miles per hour
D. 8 miles per hour

24. When cooling out a pony, you should:
A. trot him in a windy area
B. put him in a stall
C. walk your pony around
D. tighten the girth

25. What are the 'aids' to help your pony understand what you want him to do?
A. legs, hands, seat and voice
B. bandaids
C. apple treats
D. crupper

26. A riding helmet should:
A. always be worn when riding
B. only be worn by kids
C. be worn only on sunny days
D. only be worn on rainy days

27. What are the four correct gaits of a horse?
A. walk, trot, canter, gallop
B. walk, run, jog, leap
C. walk, trot, run, gallop
D. walk, trot, canter, sprint

28. When riding downhill, the rider should:
A. be in balance, with feet under the horse's body and eyes looking ahead to where he/she is going.
B. whip the pony until it makes it down the hill.
C. tell everyone to get out of his/her way.
D. let the horse do whatever it wishes to do.

29. To get your pony to 'walk on', you should:
A. Look ahead to where you want to go.
B. make sure your reins are short enough so that you can just feel the pony's mouth.
C. squeeze your legs against your pony's sides to make him listen, then give him 2 short nudges with your legs to tell him to walk on.
D. let your hands go forward a little to 'follow' his head as he starts to walk.
E. all of the above