Westover Pony Club
Loyalty, Character, Sportsmanship

About Quiz

This is always a fun day for all members (even those who haven’t tested yet!) Join your fellow club members and test your horse knowledge!

Link to Quiz Prep quizzes. The questions on these quizzes are from past Regional Quiz tests.


Quiz tests a pony clubber’s theoretical knowledge of horsemanship and of various pony club activities. Regional Quiz competitions qualify pony club members to participate in the annual National Quiz.

At Regional Quiz, pony club members compete as teams as well as individually…without horses or ponies. Quiz tests knowledge, not skills. Each member writes a test with questions in six sections: multiple choice, true and false, fill in the blank, object identification, identify from pictures and miscellaneous.

Questions may cover all areas of knowledge expected at each level, including but not restricted to lamenessess, feed and nutrition, saddlery, breeds, conformation, shoeing veterinarian, diseases, bones and muscles.

Separate divisions are provided for unrated (E) members, for D’s, D1’s and D2’s, for all C’s combined, and for A’s and B’s combined.

Each division has both team and individual competitions. Scores for everyone are used in the individual competitions and the best 2 or 3 scores from each Branch are used to make up that Branch’s team score in each division.

(From the CPC Website)